Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 26!

Today is the final day!  I am going to be so sad that I'm leaving my new friends that I will probably be friends with for life.  Tonight we will have our Final Banquet and Award/Graduation Ceremony!  Which means that I will finally be able to wear the suit jacket and dress clothes that I brought.  Then the final dance will start, the theme is Masquerade.  While the dance is going on there will be a slideshow of pictures that the students and faculty have taken during this month, so I'm very excited to see those!  This will hopefully be one of the best nights of the program, as well as the saddest because it will be the last time I see my friends.

Day 25!

I went to a pub lunch yesterday, again.  Except this time I went with the girls!  There was a play put on by the drama class yesterday that everyone had to see, The Twelfe Night... Or What You Will.  It was funny and very interesting to say the least. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 24!

Yesterday was probably my favorite day!  I went and ate lunch with my family at Noodle Nation, the fourth time I've been there.  Then, later that night I watched the talent show, which had some amazing acts performed.  Then I spent a couple of hours with my friends.  It may not sound like much but I had a great time!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 22, 23!!

Yesterday I went and learned a little bit of latin which was pretty cool.  Which was all that I found interesting.  Today though, I watched the Dark Knight Rises, which was a pretty good movie.  I also saw my family for the first time since I left in late June!  I spent a little time with them, and I'm gonna talk to them later tomorrow.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 21!

I decided to actually go to class today. It was the first time I had been in class for 3 days, and I haven't even been in my minor for 4 days.  It was the first time I didn't feel like crap so hooray!!!  In Medical Science, our class spent all 3 hours of class watching autopsys.  I'm just gonna say that I wasn't really hungry afterwards.  The Dark Knight Rises comes out tomorrow and I'm gonna try and watch it with my friends!  I heard it was a really good movie so I can't wait!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 18, 19, 20!

I've been in bed sick for these last 3 days!  Though today I feel a whole lot better than I did when I first got sick.  Though today I heard some interesting things.  I learned that some of my friends have been lying to me the past couple of days. I'm a little pissed but I'll get over it.  I was also able to talk to my mom for the first time since I've been here.  I really missed the sound of her voice, so I felt better from just hearing her voice.  They're coming here on Saturday so I'm very excited.  I can't wait to see my family again!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 17!

Today I still feel like crap and I hate it.  I was in bed until 11:30!  Then I decided to go to Starbucks and do the blog since I don't feel as bad as before.  I'm not sure what I'm gonna do later on during the day.  Only time will tell.

Day 16!

I actually went to class yesterday!  I had to go since I was getting a new teacher and it was Esther's last day.  Though in class I was coughing up a storm, which sucked.  The second dance was tonight but I didn't go.  The theme was neon and I didn't have any neon clothes.  I didn't feel like going anyways.  I think the only other dance I'm going to is the Last Dance.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 13, 14, 15!!!

Sorry I have not posted anything in the last 3 days but I have been very sick lately.  On Day 13 I had gotten very sick so I was bed ridden the whole day.  On Day 14 I went to London but I still felt really sick, but I decided to push through it.  Which in hindsight probably was not the best idea.  On Day 15 I was bed ridden again.  Sorry for being sick and uneventful.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 12!

Today I spent most of my day outside with friends.  Which was actually pretty fun!  But I got my jeans covered in dirt which sucks.  In medical science I learned about child abuse.  Fun!  On Thursday I get a filmstrip to London for the day!  But then I have to write a 1000 word essay.  Wish me luck for that!

Day 11!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday I had gotten sick.  I had a fever and a sore throat.  I missed going to watch the Olympic  Torch!  I'm feeling better now.  I had done the Olympics yesterday in Greece and Rome.  I won the sprint and long jump and then got 2nd in discus.  I'm not sure what we're gonna do today though.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 10!

An update about yesterdays dance!  So I asked the girl to go to the dance with me and she said yes!  Even though the dance itself disappointed me I still had a good time with her!  Today I watched  the Spiderman movie again and went to Noodle Nation again.  So it was basically a repeat of yesterday.  Tomorrow during Greece and Rome we start our own version of the Olympics, which should be fun!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 9!

Today is another rainy day here.  So its been a pretty uneventful day so far.  Today is the first dance here.  I'll probably end up asking someone to go with me so wish me luck!  I went to a restaurant called Noodle Nation which was pretty good.. Sorry for the uneventful post today.  I'll try to make it more interesting tomorrow.

Day 8!

I'm so sorry guys!  I didn't think that I wouldn't have any time yesterday to publish a new post.  But yesterday I learned some songs about drugs in Medical Science, which was very interesting.  Then for Greece and Rome I went to the Ashmolean Museum yesterday which was pretty cool.  Then the highlight of my day yesterday was watching the new Spiderman movie!  But word of advice, if you go to see the movie, don't watch it in 3D, because there weren't very many moments in 3D.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 7!

I finished my day at Stonehenge!  I hung out with a bunch of my friends and took a bunch of weird pics.  To be completely honest though, I was a little disappointed with Stonehenge since its just a pile of rocks but I still had a good time overall.  Shout out to my friends Ivi, Patrice, Christa, Abby, and Cooper!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 6!

Today is a very nice day.  Probably the nicest day so far!  I will be doing a one day diabetes diary for medical science, which involves doing what someone with diabetes would do everyday, tomorrow.  Speaking of tomorrow, it's the day I go to Stonehenge!  I still can't wait.  And today is my second day of Greece and Rome since we go to our minor classes every other day.  I think it'll be fun like it was the first day.  I also hope that the day stays as nice as it has been so far!  Happy 4th of July everyone!  Its too bad I won't be able to shoot off fireworks here.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 5!

Today is another rainy day here.  But I still enjoyed the day so far!  My medical science class was more bearable than before and I actually had fun!  Now I'm also excited because I learned that Thursday I get to go to Salisbury and visit Stonehenge!  I've always wanted to see Stonehenge so I'm very ecstatic.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 4!

Today is the first day where it will be raining most of the time.  Combine that with the wind and you get freezing cold weather.  I could even see my breath!  I just finished my first full day of my major class and I didn't really enjoy it.  It seemed like there was no order, was like we just talked about anything that came up during conversation.  I hope that it gets better with time.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 3!

Today is our first free day so it will be my lazy day!  I probably won't be doing anything special today.  So sorry if todays post isn't very interesting.  All I've done so far today is do my homework for medical science.  Yeah! I already got homework after the first day!  But it was easy so no problem.  I had to look up what x linked recessive means and learn how sickle cells stop malaria.